July 20, 2010

I'm starting to get kind of excited.

The Hamburger Hambuger Finale

I've almost wrangled a second room into shape. The Office. The Office has always been the office, so I only had to sort through one-hundred years of correspondence along with a complete archive of ALL the artwork I produced in first grade to make it comfy. Every, EVERY single piece of art, random drawing, note I ever wrote, has been saved. They are preserved in archival dry cleaning bags, bundled with notes in either my grandmother's handwriting, "Pretty Baby II, age 2-3," or my mother's handwriting, "M.A. artwork, First Grade." I have been somewhat ruthless and after giving them the once over have thrown a large portion away. I'm tired of sorting stuff, and have almost called it quits myself, but when I hit the document box full of first grade, I caved. I'm going to offer it up on Craigslist or eBay. Someone else should be able to enjoy what a dork I was in first grade. I kept a comic strip though. I was way ahead of my time. The most disconcerting aspect is that I remember the moment I made some of these things.


Carla said...

What a trip for the mind. Great comic strip though. It'd be tough to not spend the next month slowly going through that room alone.

Anonymous said...

I would love to look thru that myself.
I love your blogs

Steven LaRose said...


M.A.H. said...

I like the chair cutaway myself.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough.