June 11, 2009

How Push Came To Shove And Other Tales Of How Resistance Forces My Hand.

ACK. Consider this my message in a bottle in case I get lost. I have to paint like a fiend for the next several days- just in case. And, for those of you who have been paying attention to my procrastination in titling the little paintings, the jig is up. Thank God I at least photographed them. I could have done a better job, like use a tripod, but still, they have been documented.

On the spur of the moment, a curator emailed me to ask if I'd be interested in participating in a 1-day show to celebrate the opening of a new space in Pomona. This Saturday. She emailed last night. Last night was Wednesday. Today is Thursday. She came to select the work today and brought another collector with her. I'm thinking she'll take one painting. Big deal. The good news is that she took two of my It's the Best I Can Do Today Paintings from 2007. Those were titled. The other good news is that she took FIVE of the new paintings. Five. Poor guys I had to assign alpha titles to them until I can email her real titles tonight. ACK. Normally, but what the hell is normal anymore, there would be no ACK, but I have 25 people coming for a studio visit next Saturday to look at the new paintings. The good news is that the show in Pomona is a one-day show and she will return the paintings to me next week before next Saturday's studio visit. The other good news is that if they sell, I will have FIVE less paintings to show to 25 people next week. Five is a LOT less when you're working small, which brings me to painting like a fiend over the next few days. If and if you have any clue about me, you'll know I NEVER count my eggs before they hatch. For chrissakes I barely count them after they hatch, but just in case the gods smile upon me, I need to finish working on the two I'm working on and possibly try to finish another one at least. Even if I don't I'm still in decent shape but I'd like to be over-prepared. You know, 110%. That's me. 110%mah. really catchy moniker.

And when I get busy, I can promise two things:
1) I blog as some sort of nervous habit, and
2) I forget to eat.

Fortunately Fang's food comes out of a bag and goes in a trough, so he's taken care of, but me? It's 3 pm and I had oatmeal around 8am this morning and that's it. Notice I didn't forget my afternoon espresso.

It's great to be busy and I'm so happy.


Anonymous said...

√ 5 more paintings titled.

Carla said...

That's a great kind of overload. Get some almonds and yogurt. Easy, healthy fast eating.


Steven LaRose said...

I like this

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...