June 26, 2009

Flashback Friday #5

[Couldn't locate the title]
watercolor, collage, coffee, 1989
45" x 25"

A pre-grad school work done while living in a loft on Halsted Sreet in the Pilsen Area of Chicago. It was a Pod place, meaning Podmajersky, the landlord czars of the Pilsen art community. I don't recognize the google map image. It's been rehabbed quite a bit in 20 years. I was having boy troubles at the time. I know this because the collage elements are torn bits of paper from a journal chronicling said boy problems in words and scrawly drawings.

Damn, I just looked at the prices of the lofts they're leasing. Damn Chicago for being so cold in the winter. dammit.


Steven LaRose said...

Even before I read about the "boy problems" I looked at this and thought it was totally a chick piece. Bones, feathers, and menstrual blood.

I was looking at the map and I am reminded of how little of the city I got to know. Which was essentially a wedge coming North from downtown up to Wrigely field and a strip that went out through Wicker park and ended at Humboldt park. I remember going to some parties down in Pilsen and being floored by the lofts. And the cute closed artist communities with central court yards etc.

Congratulations on the commission coming through.

M.A.H. said...

Whoa there hoss! There are no feathers, bones or menstrual blood in that painting. I'll give you "chick piece." There are some obvious essentialist shapes + some covertly disguised phallic references, along with some standard mystical shapes, but I never, ever made tampon art, mister, so let's just clear that up right now. ; )

And while i'm setting the record straight-Pilsen wasn't that cute either. I was broken into several times and once while having coffee on my back porch, watched an undercover cop walk through our courtyard with a loaded magnum
pointed and ready to fire. I had cabs refuse to take me home at night. Sorry dude, just needed to clarify the definition of "cute" since you led a sheltered life in the yuppie part of town. ; )

Thanks on the commission. Nothing major, but it keeps me working.

Steven LaRose said...

Oh wait. . .
now I see a toulouse lautrec lady with a huge beehive hat. Why she is clutching her shriveled fist to her mouth and wearing caravaggio sleeves, we will never know.

Steven LaRose said...

Do I have to spell it out?

Carla said...

Mary, did you see what Steven did to your painting?

M.A.H. said...

Yes, Carla, I did. But since he thought I was referencing my menses and frigging feathers, I figured he had been dipping into the absinthe again and let it slide.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...