April 12, 2009

Quickie Easter Post.

I'm sure I have a post draft saved from a few days ago that reveals what boring exciting things have happened in the last week, so I'll hit the publish button on that as well.  Things are good. I'm inviting as many people as I can, whenever I can, over to the studio to see the new work. So far, I've had 4 people over: 1 painter, 2 dealers and 1 civilian. I'd like to get more painters over here. This week I have another friend coming over to look at some older works for hanging in his office, so after we look at those, I'll show him the new stuff. That will count as a 2nd civilian. I also have a couple more painters in mind I'd like to ask for studio exchanges. And strangers too. Super fresh eyes. 

I haven't felt this excited about painting and my studio practice since working for the solo last year-which is kind of weird, because I thought I was already excited about painting. So far, I've gotten thumbs up for the new work, but I'm considering changing my whole life and studio around how enthusiastic I am for these little guys. I mean, major changes- like taking over a 2-seater sports car instead of driving an SUV; un-streching large paintings and selling large stretcher bars. I'm talking about making a real commitment to small. 

So bringing in some other painters is a good idea. 

More later

and PS... I titled one painting!


Tracy Helgeson said...

Great idea, inviting visitors in for some fresh energy. Wish I were closer, I'd volunteer to be another painter visitor for you! I lovelovelove seeing artist's studios.......

M.A.H. said...

That distance thing is such a pesky detail. But there's always SKYPE!

M.A.H. said...

or ichat...

keiko said...

yeah, i was just thinking skype when i read this post. have you ever than that, i mean, a studio visit through skype? i would love to set up a time.

M.A.H. said...

Keiko, I tried informally to have a standing studio coffee break/skpye chat, but I didn't really publicize it much. I'd love to set something up soon.

missustn said...

i have a friend who says, paintings can never be large enough, but they can be small enough. next time you need nashville help holla.

M.A.H. said...

Hey Jodi, Thanks. If there's a next time, I will.

So, I'm curious about the "paintings can be small enough" statement. Does that mean that there IS a consensual limit on the bottom end of the diminutive scale?

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...