March 23, 2011

Sometimes I think a little more about the future than I need too.

This book has been on my wish list for a while. When friends pass away way too young I guess it's normal to wonder a little bit more about life. I'm still dealing with stuff left behind. On top of that, I'll be leaving stuff behind. For the record, I have a storage unit in L.A. Marina Del Rey, actually. Just art. For the other record, at the end of the day if I do more than break even, I'd like to establish a small grants program for other artists.

The dog is suspicious of me today. He won't come back in to eat his breakfast. Yesterday, I ran a tight ship and got him out, fed, and walked with amazing precision. Then I left all day, came back during lunch to reassure him the world hadn't ended and returned to the public arts workshop. It's 9 am now and he won't eat breakfast. He thinks this will keep me at home. He's manipulative.

Mary Addison Hackett
Crisis Management, 2008-2009
oil on paper
20" x 16"


Nomi Lubin said...

I LOVE this painting.

Steven LaRose said...

I have a storage unit too, but a lot of people call it "the transfer station"

Can I be first in line for a grant? I just sent off my first attempt at the Pollock/Krasner thingy.

Every time I move my feet right now, the dogs think I'm getting up to feed them. I am determined not to do this until 6:00 PM sharp, regardless of their anticipatory behavior and strands of drool.

I'm going to add that book to my wish list. Thanks. I thought about that a lot during the Chemo year.

Steven LaRose said...

Oh shit! no wonder they were bugging me (the dogs) I posted the comment above at 6:04

M.A.H. said...

I sent my first PK grant off last year. (reject) It's time to try again. Thank goodness I have no social life.

Elaine Mari said...

ooh nice painting, nice. Like how it conveys the title and looks beautiful.

M.A.H. said...

Thanks, it's a older one. I'm trying to get back there. I got really tight with the small works. I'm much more comfortable when I try less. If that makes sense.

Elaine Mari said...

Yes makes sense. It's very hard to stop trying. But when you get there

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...