May 07, 2009

I'm not really the manic-depressive type, but I can tell when I'm leaning more one way than another.

I truly would benefit with a little help over here. An assistant, housekeeper, taskmaster. something. I'm delivering a painting tomorrow. It's fairly large, so I rented a cargo van. I'm lucky. Avis is less than one block away. I was going to wrap the painting in kraft paper, but it's only one painting so moving blankets will provide enough cushion. I also did some spring cleaning in the studio. I need to do a lot more. I'm not a proponent of destroying old work, but every now and then I do if it did not contribute to my progression. Today I trashed (7) 24" square paintings from 2004-2006. I felt a little bad about one and kind of regret that decision but, it's done.

I sliced my finger with an X-acto knife.

I stretched and primed 4 more linen panels.

I tried to teach 2 tone-deaf paintings to sing. Who knew you could spend so much time on a small painting? I'm not sure about them. They were hard. They're dark.
I will have to ignore them for awhile and start on a new one. I had that feeling I get every now and then, the one where I'm pretty sure I've done everything there is to do and I'll never be able to paint ever again. I continued to paint in site of that feeling.


Carla said...

"I continued to paint in site of that feeling." Great typo. Great day. Congrats.

M.A.H. said...

haha. just noticed the typo. yeah, that'll work too.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...