May 14, 2009

Those second thoughts in the middle of the night. (Repost with pictures)

Maybe the new paintings are too small.
Maybe they're too tight and organized.
Maybe they can't breathe.
Maybe I'm spending too much time working on them.
Maybe I'm nuts.
Maybe I shouldn't have pulled out that mag lamp which lets me see all the layers of paint as a microcosm.


Carla said...

Wow, that in situ shot really shows a "heavy chunk o painting" quality, in addition to the surfce finesse, like a mineral boulder.

My middle night verbal spirals are never about painting. I'm envious.

M.A.H. said...

mineral boulder. i like.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...