August 25, 2008

Just painting and cooking. Not at the same time, though I did accidentally dip my watercolor brush in my coffee cup the other day. Twice.

<..sad violin music > Reporting about painting, i.e, life in the studio, is not really interesting to me right now as I'm in a bit of a slump. I DID work in the studio today and I DID work on a painting even though I didn't FEEL like it. I am emphasising certain words in bold so that you will see that even though I had sour puss feelings, I soldiered on, in spite of myself. whoopdido. < /end sad violin music >

Been vegan now for a solid week. It's like I've just discovered food. I have a tendency to eat and drink the same thing over and over and over again until I burn out, (case in point, chai lattes. I haven't been able to drink a chai latte in like 7 years) so I'm exercising a bit of caution and have experimented with 4 recipes thus far. Four. Not one, not two, but four. Crazy.

Quinoa Patties from The Whole Foods Market Cookbook. These are fantastic. I tried looking for the recipe online and came across a scab version that seriously sucked. And since it's like the ONLY recipe not published on their corporate website, nor do they give out the recipe when asked, I dropped my quest. So when I saw the WFM cookbook in the bookstore, I tried to memorize the recipe, but since I'm just not THAT good, I bought the damn thing simply so I could have this recipe. I'm an extremist sometime.

BBQ Black-Eyed Pea-Collard Green Rolls from Vegonomicon. OMG, yum. I love collard greens. I love black-eyed peas. I love collard greens. I love black-eyed peas. I love collard greens. I love black-eyed peas. The BBQ sauce is pretty fantastic too.

Corn and Edamame Sesame Salad from Vegonomicon. no brainer.

Silken Tofu Chocolate Mousse from TWFMC. Yum. Also, it's so dangerously easy and quick, that I intend on having the ingredients on hand in case of an emergency.

(These recipes have been popular with the meat-eating crowd as well.)


Steven LaRose said...

One of our household favorites when in a pinch are products from the Field Roast Grain Meat Co. I just googled the name to link you to their site and discovered that they started out in Seattle (where I grew up). Really tasty stuff.

Thanks for the Vegonomicon tip. I've been in charge of meals the past couple of years and I am so tired of our Moosewood cookbooks.

btw, we are signed up for motorcycle safety classes in November. We need a motorcycle endorsement for our Vespa.

M.A.H. said...

"The more you know, the better it gets." - mantra from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...