August 02, 2013

Two more for the weekend.

August is upon us.

Which is just a fancy way of saying, holy crap, I've been painting solid for two shows. And soon they will be over. And I presume there may or may not be something else to come later. I used to get anxious concerned if I didn't have something booked in advance while preparing for the current show, like that was it. Over and done. Time to make peace and call it a good run. Happens with every show. But sometime over the course of the last 10 years, I finally noticed that there was always something next. A phone call, an email, another artist recommendation. It keeps going. I also noticed another sign of growth: if it didn't, I could use the space to take more risks and explore. Occasionally I try and rationalize that I should NOT still be exploring new ideas in my work. That I should jump on the consistency bandwagon and turn pro. I am joking of course. If you know me, you will know which part of that sentence is the funnier part of that joke. Let's go with bandwagon for now.

I've even thought I'd actually welcome a couple of years of without a commitment- nothing but working on transient ideas going nowhere, or perhaps taking the time to work on a couple of large mind-blowingly detailed paintings without knowing the results, but let's not get hasty. Time is weird like that.

I'll be off the grid focusing on nothing most of this weekend, but here's a couple more from the Kitchen Paintings (#Drifters).  Enjoy.

See's vs. Bananas


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It's over.

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