March 24, 2012

Hyping other people's stuff, plus a little of mine.

Henry Samelson
Super, 2012
acrylic on canvas
When I discovered Henry Samelson's work, I had an immediate response that went beyond liking the work visually. I felt we might share similarities beyond the surface. The "S" painting is what nailed it though. 

Mary Addison Hackett
My Mortality as Based on a Mixed Metaphor, 2007
acrylic, spray-paint on canvas
14" x 11"

Henry has a blog called Buddy of Work where he invites artists to show a secondary or alternative body of work along side their main body of work. He recently invited me to contribute to Buddy of Work. I could have hijacked the entire blog to devote to my offshoots, but the watercolors are always the ones I think of as my other work. You can read the blog post here. 


Steven LaRose said...

wow. . . now I've got a Sameison crush too.

Nomi Lubin said...


(And "Buddy of Work" is funny.)

Nomi Lubin said...

I really like his work. From his resume it looks like maybe he didn't start painting til late?

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...