August 09, 2011

Painting is Hard, still

So while staring a freak flower painting I'm working on— which for some insane reason I've put in an elaborately cut crystal vase, and even more mind-boggling, decided to make it vaguely look like it's a cut crystal vase, which is way more OCD than I am prone to be— I spotted a book on Velázquez  and opened it up. Out comes this copy I made of Snoopy as a kid. He looks like he's trying to sleep one off. The bloated stomach reinforces my suspicion. Woodstock's probably lecturing him.
And of course there was the Velázquez I happened to be thinking of.

1 comment:

Nomi Lubin said...

Hey, you were MAH way back then.

Nice drawing.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...