January 24, 2011

New Works. The Watercolors of 2011. Tentatively titled, "Blades of Grass."

No idea how many will be in this series. Range of size may vary. There is no horizon line. They are neither intentionally landscape nor decidedly portrait. They are an attempt at meditative abstraction, unfettered by the constraints of the secular world. They are clusters, maybe explosions, maybe implosions. They contain no narrative other than a record of their own making. They might be lies. I was going to title the suite, Blades of Grass, because the phrase popped into my head just as I was thinking about how titling them would be like naming individual blades of grass. I also want them to be elusive. Once I finish painting them, it's the viewer's turn. 

I was even move convinced Blades of Grass would be the title of the suite later that evening after my I-Ching reading was, Chun/Difficulty at the Beginning. The literal translation of "chun" is "a blade of grass pushing against an obstacle as it sprouts out of the earth." Quite apropos. These are the small acts of timing that make me think there might be some kind of order to my universe. I still might end up titling them, secretly, just for my own amusement, but on the other hand, I want to pretend I am the viewer too. 

^ Though not part of the series, it was the icebreaker. 

* * *

Introducing the new suite of watercolors.............

More to come.


Elaine Mari said...

Vibrant, intense. They feel like pieces torn out but you could never tear out something as right as they are.

I feel like there are lots of references to blades in them or rays or glass. Blades of Glass.

M.A.H. said...

It's going to be a strange year. I can tell.

Mink said...

A very good year

Carla said...

These are inspiring.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...