September 20, 2010

If you stick to your work it will take care of you somehow...Kiki Smith


Carla said...

Great cloaked post (my eyes hurt). Meat and three crowd? I love the house pic.

I was still cleaning with bleach sometimes, but finally stopped because Felix has the same reaction as Otto to lavender and vinegar. He would even lick surfaces which had been cleaned with it.

M.A.H. said...

Damn, i was just getting ready to delete the entire pity party post. You deserve a medal for reading it. Most of my anxiety has to do with my upcoming show....I don't think anyone actually knows I'm having a show. I should stay away from the laptop for a few weeks. I don't do well with relative obscurity.

Yes, Otto will lick the floor as I'm cleaning too. He didn't with bleach, and I've used my fair of bleach around here, believe me.

Carla said...

I always thought his getting turned on by bleach was a bit pervy.

No one in L.A. knows, or in general/internet? I think it's perfectly acceptable to broadcast your show repeatedly. On social networks, I think one should adopt the tone and grammar of explaining things to 5-year olds. "I am having a solo show in L.A. How cool, huh? Here is where it will be, etc etc." Not because people are stupid, they're just so distracted by the hum of info.

This is not something I've considered before, you're getting this theory fresh from my brain. I may reconsider and have a differing view tomorrow.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...