July 06, 2009

Tired, but had a happy 4th.

I forgot to eat breakfast or lunch, and although I had my afternoon espresso, I was still tired, so I finally called it a half-ass day in the studio and diverted my attention to reading about other people's lives for a change. I stumbled upon one of my links and was reminded that I secretly adore, The Sartorialist. I aspire to dress like the women on this blog. I especially love seeing the older women that mange to stay stylish without being victims.

If you were to run into me on the street somewhere, you would know I am not a slave to current fashion. I avoided buying a designer handbag with tons of hardware, and oversize sunglasses shall never touch my face. I even went so far as to buy Clark Wallabees in Amsterdam 5 years ago, partially due to some nostalgia kick from prep school days, but also as a defiant anti-fashion gesture.

I've worn them twice. They are incredibly comfortable, but the frump factor is way too high, even for me and I haven't the heart to turn them into studio shoes, mainly because they lace up.

So while I haven't seen any images capturing women wearing Wallabees, I did see overalls on the site and felt a sense of camaraderie and hope. I get closer and closer everyday to developing a uniform I can live with.


Steven LaRose said...

sheesh. . . thanks for the link (slight sarcasm sprinkles).

Now I feel frumpy, old, uncool, middle-class, and off-gassing.

I either ruin my nice clothes, or never wear them.

I wish I could at least taste for a moment the fruits of being stylish (no sarcasm sprinkles).

Carla said...

I have always planned on setting aside a few weeks to develop my own clothing style. I'll will design and sew the perfect colors and lines. It will flatter and define. I will finally "be ready". In the mean time I grouse around in Midwestern default gear.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...