July 13, 2009

I'm going to quit talking about the paperwork.

But FYI, now I have to inventory ALL my artwork made from October 24, 2001- March 1 of 2009. Legally, 50% of everything I created during that period is community property. I won't go into the emotional aspects of this. I've made peace with that.

Natch, I should have been keeping up with my inventory anyway, but at a certain point, say 2 or 3 years ago, I stopped obsessively documenting and cataloging about EVERY single piece I made and got a little lax on some things, like works on paper and paintings that were going very sloooooow, like so slow that I'm sure they're still not finished.

Then I purged a few things. Plus, the Titling Department hasn't earned their keep in months, lazy bastards- so even though I would photograph a painting and import it into the computer, it lives like an inmate known only as, DSC_1390, or some other anonymous name that Nikon decided until the Titling department can get their ass in gear. Lazy bastards.

I'm getting a bid for building a painting rack this morning and then I'm going to be grading portfolios until class starts.

Yesterday I saw the doc, "Herb and Dorothy." It was a charming and fascinating look at collecting. The little Chamberlain that's in one of the first shots IS amazing. Absolutely, amazing. Here's a clip of that scene.

I have promised myself I will start doing yoga again.


Carla said...

wow, not to belabor the settlement legalities, but I gasped upon reading that.

M.A.H. said...

Well, hon, me too.

M.A.H. said...

But if it makes you feel better, (and it certainly makes me feel a little better) I negotiated a totally impractical German engineered roadster out of the deal.

Carla said...


M.A.H. said...

Oh good. I almost deleted that last comment for sounding a little too, oh you know, bourgeois.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...