January 02, 2009

Super Powers Unite. Not. Yet.

I have wasted more than a couple of minutes trying to configure my Facebook account to be accountable for my entire social networking experience. It sounds like a good idea, but then so do lots of things which I later regret. I like the idea of having a little privacy, if you can call it that. This would seem to contradict the whole point of social networking and self-promotion, but so be it. I attempted to feed my Process blog into Facebook, but ended up blasting my profile with umpteen previous posts instead of just the current ones, which felt like the Internet equivalent of spilling the contents of my purse on the floor, so I deleted that app and thought I'd try the Flickr app, but it didn't behave very well either. I'll try again later. 


On New Year's Eve day, I wrote out a list of my 2009 goals to share. Blogger had some issues and when I went back to post it, they were gone. All gone. Because I am a goal-oriented person, I will rewrite them tonight after dinner and post again. 

1 comment:

Steven LaRose said...

Simplaris Blogcast on Crackbook.

It's over.

Nov 7, 2020. Tears of joy and relief. It's been unreal and I'm ready to get back to a sense of normalcy. The desert has been tough. ...